Isotopes and Life: Considerations
Space Colonization
Meghan K. Rouillard
Do living processes distinguish isotopes?
A thought-provoking look at what isotopes
are and their unique role in the biosphere.
The fourth article in a series on The Cosmic
Ray Project.

Whole-Body Magneto-Therapy Speeds
Wound and Disease Healing
Prof. Bruno Brandimarte
A pioneer in the field of magneto-biology
reviews the science and clinical experience
showing that various forms of oscillating
magnetic fields produce strikingly beneficial
effects on the healing of wounds, increase of
blood circulation, and physical rehabilitation
for many illnesses.

Observations on Chernobyl after
25 Years of Radiophobia
Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.
The worst possible nuclear plant accident
produced no scientifically confirmed fatalities
in the general population. But there was enormous
political and psychological damage, mainly the result
of belief in the lie that any amount of radiation is bad.

The Geopolymer Institute
Belarus Repopulating
Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Zbigniew Jaworowski,
M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

NAWAPA: An Anti-Entropic
Upshift in Global Economy
Laurence Hecht

South Africa's Folly
Marjorie Mazel Hecht

Wind and Wickedness
Join the Campaign to Save
the U-233!
Why the Pharaohs Built the
Pyramids with Fake Stone by
by Joseph Davidovits
Reviewed by Henry Broadbent