Summer 1992 Vol. 5, No. 2
Henry the Navigator and the Apollo Project That Launched Columbus
Timothy Rush
Prince Henry of Portugals School of Sagres was the mission control center for a 15th century Apollo Project in ocean discovery and colonization.

Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli: The Scientist Who Guided Columbus
Richard Sanders
Remnants of an astronomical instrument in Florences famous cathedral shed light on this remarkable Renaissance scientist.
An Interview with NASAs Christopher McKay: Terraforming Mars in the Second Age of Exploration
When could we begin to introduce life on Mars? A unique NASA program studies remote locations like Antarctica to obtain clues to this and other questions about life on Mars.
The Lies of Rachel Carson
Dr. J. Gordon Edwards
A well-known entomologist documents some of the falsehoods in Carsons Silent Spring, the 1962 book that poisoned public opinion against DDT and other pesticides.
Report from the Earth Summit: Dr. Dixy Lee Ray Battles the Rio Green Agenda
Geraldo Lino
The Climate Catastrophe Business:
Why the Chemical Companies Need the Ozone Hole
Dieter Schuetze
Interview with Dr. Harold Kroto: How the Discovery of Buckyballs Came from Astrophysics
Beyond C60: The Fullerene Future
Mark Wilsey
Tuberculosis, Disease of Poverty, Is on the Move
Cynthia Parsons
What the Front-line TB Experts Say:
Dr. Barry Bloom, Albert Einstein College
Dr. Patrick Brennan, Colorado State University
Dr. George Douvas, Webb-Waring Lung Institute
Takahashi Brings Cold Fusion Results and New Theory to U.S.
Carol White
Italian Physicist Denounces Cold Fusion Witch-hunt to Washington Press
Laurence Hecht
Scientific American, Cold Fusion, and LaRouche
Fluctuations in Cosmic Background Do Not Prove Big Bang
David Cherry |